Google defends censorship of pornography on automatic
the United Kingdom Government It is planning to do the blocking of network-based content for adults (including pornography). Blocking is done automatically so that internet users who want to open adult content must be enlisted to their ISP companies.The Government shall consult the United Kingdom ISP company to determine what content will be blocked automatically. However, this was rejected by Google.In the debate in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Google supports more education to carry out the technical measures. Google does not agree if private companies have the authority to make a list of the content is appropriate or inappropriate access by children."We believe that children have not seen pornography online, but we do not support this mechanism." The problem is not as simple as that, "Sarah Hunter, Google's head of public policy."As with Google, parents must have the capacity to educate his son who doesn't follow the negative content prematurely. This capacity may be diminished by the existence of a solution that was too easy."If a company must decide what content is appropriate or inappropriate for children, this is a difficult decision." We can not assume all of the same family, "adds Sarah."Andrew Heaney, Executive Director of strategy and regulation TalkTalk said, this way is the best way and is not censorship. Filtering by TalkTalk Symantec System System.Kristy Hughes, Executive Director of index of censorship gave a warning about the "privatization" of freedom of expression. "Who decides something worthy of being blocked?" Has who adopted the block list? This is equivalent to censorship, "he said."United Kingdom mobile networks has implemented an automatic block. Users of mobile devices who wish to have access to free content must be registered for the operator.A study of the Open Rights Group revealed that at least 60 sites in automatic blocking schemes that had the wrong block. Sites affected by the blockade which includes blogs, websites and political opinion.