Target of 1 million corporate customers Telkomsel
SURABAYA, - Telkomsel goals of service companies customer 1 million until the end of 2012. Of these, fate of 200 thousand clients or client is the company 20 percent of eastern Java.
Until the end of May this year existing companies of head of account Java Bali administration, Ericson Sibagariang, of various sectors of 763 Division already cooperated with Telkomsel.
While at the national level, existing company, with a composition of 850,000 80% is a large-scale company. "With" the number of subscribers that company, Telkomsel ruled the market share of 75% for telecommunications services, said on Monday (05/28/2012).
80% Of large companies, the times magazine, business sector added objective is commercial, manufacturing and industry. While the other, the companies of finance and Treasury, followed by government agencies.
"Our services are personalized, i.e. According to the needs and requirements of the company." Done so varied among themselves in a different way, "he explained."
Recently the magazine Word times, Telkomsel collaborated with Wim cycle, a manufacturer of bicycles in Indonesia gave the original in the application form for reimbursement of credit to purchasers of products with a scheme that has been determined Wim cycle. This program at the same time facilitate the manufacturers of bicycles in the completion of registration for all customers.
In addition, the Distributor would have benefited from Wim cycle another business solution, i.e. MVPN (Mobile Virtual private number) where distributors can communicate economically and even free to fellow distributors or company Wim cycle.